3D Product Rendering vs Product Photography.

When it comes to marketing your product, you’ll no doubt be considering whether to choose traditional product photography, or to use 3D product rendering or 3D product animation for your marketing assets.

Choosing the right asset could make the difference between enticing a customer to make the purchase, or to not trust the product and move on. These will be the images on your website, on your social channels and across any other marketing material you create. It is imperative that you choose wisely.

You may not notice it, but your favourite brands probably employ this technique for some of the most desirable items on the market! Major brands of trainers, watches, jewellery and electronics all have their visuals enhanced through the power of 3D rendering.

Below are some considerations for both methods of product visualisation before you go down either route for creating your visual assets.

Benefits of 3D Product Rendering

There are several great reasons to choose 3D rendering for your product visuals, and we’re not saying this because we’re a 3D design studio. Here’s a few reasons to consider using 3D rendered products.

Crisp and clean images

3D rendered images are by definition visual perfection. Colours are as vibrant, details are abundant, shadows enhance the detail of the visuals in a way that would be incredibly difficult for a photoshoot. The result is a visual asset that looks high-end and premium quality

Boost sales

Visually stunning images sell more products. Don’t leave a sale to chance and let your images work hard for you by converting an interested customer into a buying customer with high-end, polished visual assets.

Eliminate Photoshoots

3D product visualisations are computer-generated, so there’s no need to organise an expensive product photoshoot. Having a team of CGI experts create stunning visuals for you allows you to focus the important bit of your business.


There’s no requirement for paying an in-house photography team or spending money maintaining a photography studio when you choose to use 3D rendered visuals. This saves your business on operation costs.

SKU Variants at Scale

One 3D model is used for all colour variants your product requires. That means instead of needing all variants produced and present at the photoshoot, sending your 3D rendering studio just on a 3D model file is all that is needed to create every iteration of your product. This also means customers can browse any SKU variations seamlessly.

Assets Can Be Created Remotely

The beauty of 3D products visualisations is trusting a remote partner to create high quality imagery.

Physical Products Not Required

Get ahead of the competition by marketing your product while it is still in development. A 3D rendering studio doesn't need a physical product, only a 3D model of the product, so they can get to work creating your assets while the manufacturing gets underway. Not shipping physical products to a photography team saves you time, and allows your marketing to be efficient and fast-paced.


If you’re not sure about the final result of the 3D visualisation, then you can request your 3D studio to amend the asset. Since the result is a function dialling small tweaks to the 3D model, the only cost is the time to make the alterations. No re-shoot required.

Images That Stand Out

Did we say 3D rendered images can be vibrant? Sell your products with a visually complex image - something that would be expensive to achieve in a photoshoot is easy to do in 3D visualisation.

High Zoom Images

Focusing on the small details that make your product stand out is easy to achieve in 3D renderings, since a 3D file is infinite zoom.

Expanded Product Images

Some things are impossible for photography to achieve, such as a blown-up product that showcases the interior mechanics of a product. 3D visuals make this easy to achieve.

Tempted By 3D Rendering?

Negatives of 3D Product Rendering

While there’s plenty to love about 3D product rendering - it may not be for everyone as there are a few drawbacks. Here are a few things to consider:

Renders Can Take More Time Than A Quick Photoshoot

Depending on the requirements, rendering can be a time-intensive process. Modelling a product, creating the visuals, and rendering the final product can take time to produce.

3D Modelling Is Time Intensive

For all the benefits of working with 3D models, if your product is complex, then designing the 3D model will be a complex process. Jewellery items, fashion apparel, mechanical devices all require having these micro details designed into the model before the model can be rendered.

Lack of Human Models

Products that are meant to be modelled on a human, such as apparel or jewellery will need a human model present, and 3D modelling can’t substitute an actual person wearing the actual product. A combination of 3D rendered images and real-life images may do a good job of persuading customers to make the purchase though.

Photography Pros

Photography isn’t going anywhere anytime soon though, as it has several benefits. Including:

Product photoshoots Can Be Done Quickly

If your business has invested in a photography studio, personnel, models and has stock of products on site, then product photoshoots can be organised quickly, and done whenever required.

Human Models

We’ve mentioned this above, but where there is a need to showcase a person wearing the product, then a photoshoot is necessary.

Photography Cons

For all traditional photography has to offer, there are drawbacks that businesses need to consider.

Photographs can look low-quality

Not all photographs are created equal, and not all photographers are equal. Photography that prioritises creating visual assets quickly, results in rushed photography, little time spent editing, and the overall result is an image that doesn’t sell the product like a high-end photoshoot would. 3D rendering ensures you have the equivalent of a high-end photoshoot everytime.

Limited Amendments

In the case you are not happy with how your product photoshoot assets turn out, you will need to re-shoot to get it right, or work with sub-standard photographs. And in a world where customers choose their purchase based on the visuals, can you risk images that aren’t good enough?

Photoshoots Can Be Costly To Set Up

If your photography is not done in house, then you’ll need to organise product photoshoots. This can be time consuming and costly to set up. And the photos need to be right first time.

Photography Studios Are Costly To Set Up

Having the staff and studio in-house is an ongoing cost that only companies with thousands of products can invest in. For everyone else, they need to outsource this work, and that can incur a huge cost.

What goes into Pricing a 3D Project?

There are a few factors that are considered when pricing a project with us. Stay on the right side of pricing and read up on the factors we take into consideration when pricing up a project. Understanding these can help you plan effectively.

Why Choose Centregram for 3D Product Visualisation?

Centregram has the proven ability to craft professional-grade 3D product renderings. Our professional attitude, dedication to perfection and fast turn around time is something our clients all around the world enjoy.

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